

As many of you know, my time in China grew from those initial visits of a few weeks each year to a few months, to eventually full-time.

Those many book signing events, lectures and workshops occupied some of my visits, but my greatest love was making contributions to Nodoor or “Ruò Dao” as its spelled in pinyin and pronounced in Chinese.  As a co-founder with Felicia Jiang, I contracted through my US corporation - David R. Railey Astrologer Inc., to bring teachers to China and help in the development of Nodoor’s curriculum. 

 The name “Nodoor” emerged out of discussions in 2010.  We initially liked it because of how it sounded in Chinese – Ruò Dao  若道 (pronounced like row dow) which literally means “if so,” but is generally understood to mean “it seems the path.” It was easy to say in Chinese and easy to remember and we liked its meaning.  However, if “no door” is translated literally in Chinese its “mei men” 没门.  People will say of something that can’t be solved or fixed, “mei men” i.e., no door into this  – like Americans will say “no way” meaning there’s no way this can be fixed or solved.  We thought this double meaning was funny, considering people’s attitudes about astrology, meaning there’s “no way this could work.”  It’s like we were saying “yep, no way” but smiling because we know it does work.  Then we discovered later that there was a Zen Buddhist concept of “no door” that meant no door between you and “enlightenment,” no door between the so called spiritual and material worlds – that separation is an illusion, a concept made pivotal by Zen Master Joshū (Chin., Zhaozhōu; 778 – 897).  I also added my own phrase to the meaning, see below – and then some years later found this cartoon.


Nodoor was our brainchild…

 Me and Nodoor co-founder Felicia Jiang in 2011 

 Me and Nodoor co-founder Felicia Jiang in 2011 

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 During my book tour in 2010 Felicia and I saw that many young people were interested in learning more about astrology.  Originally, we wanted to simply sell astrological reports, but the turnout for workshops and the interest in classes evolved into increasingly more sophisticated programs.  In 2013 we became an ISAR Affiliated School (International Society for Astrological Research) and launched a 2-year Core Curriculum that required 3 elective courses as well.  Our primary focus remains our Nodoor School of astrology, though we continue to sell reports and moved our platform away from our website to mobile, developing our own app while utilizing WeChat and other platforms.

 Me, Conrad Wang, and Felicia Jiang in Dec 2020

 Me, Conrad Wang, and Felicia Jiang in Dec 2020

The Nodoor School of Astrology 

When I think of all the people that have contributed to the growth and development of the Nodoor School of Astrology I am truly in awe.  This section of my website hardly does justice to the many people that are a part of that story.  You can glimpse more of them in our documentary Astrology in China, which I hope you will watch.  However, keep scrolling down and you’ll learn more about Nodoor, and see photos of staff past and present and teachers past and present, along with our dedicated students - all whom have made Nodoor what it is today, the premier school for learning how to become a professional astrologer in modern China.

Steven Forrest 2015

Steven Forrest 2015

Nodoor’s Team

Nodoor is a Chinese Company, with 14 fulltime employees, and 7 parttime:

Felicia Jiang – CEO

Freya Li – Director of Education

Tanya Tan – Chief Translation Editor

Lydia Lu – WeChat Director

Xiong Ying – teacher, T.A., ISAR  liaison

Conrad Wang – T.A., ISAR liaison 

Maggie Wang – Chief Sales Director

Echo Pan – Chief Marketing Director

TongTong – Chief Administrative Assistant

Margaret Shi – Course Consultant 

Zhong Xiaoyi – Executive Assistant 


Mei Sui – CTO

Lin Chenhui

Zeng Hongye

Ji Junfeng

Freya Li

Freya Li

Xiong Ying

Xiong Ying

 Tech Team Xiamen, China

Nodoor Faculty

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David Railey
Felicia Jiang

Xiong Ying
Sue Tompkins

Steven Forrest
Caroline Ji

Lynn Bell 
Karen Hamaker Zondag

Ray Merriman
Jackie Cui

Adrian Duncan
Glenn Perry

New Teachers in 2021 - Elective Courses

 Christina Rodenbock - An introduction to the Asteroids

 Christina Rodenbock - An introduction to the Asteroids

Darby Costello - The Progressed Moon

Darby Costello - The Progressed Moon

Mark Jones - The Geocentric Planetary Nodes

Mark Jones - The Geocentric Planetary Nodes


Nodoor Hosted Teachers since 2011

• Noel Tyl

• Jeff Jawer

• Rob Hand

• Richard Tarnas

• Juliet Sharman-Burke

• Hadley Fitzgerald

• Melanie Reinhart

• Aleksandar Imsiragic

• Chris McRae

• Jessica Garfield-Kabbara


In Remembrance…

Noel Tyl - 1936 - 2019

Noel Tyl - 1936 - 2019


Noel Tyl was the first teacher I invited to be sponsored by Nodoor in 2012 (pictured above).  Already a legend in the west, Noel would over the course of 4 visits to China make a lasting impression upon a young generation of Chinese astrology students.  A Harvard graduate, with an earlier career in Opera, and 40-plus years of practicing astrology, Noel offered students a wealth of experience presented in eloquent and dramatic style.  Those who attended his 2015 workshop in Beijing will never forget his remarkable displays of mastery that astonished us all.

In Remembrance…

Jeff Jawer - 1946 - 2015

Jeff Jawer - 1946 - 2015

Jeff on a boat to the Summer Palace

Jeff on a boat to the Summer Palace


As most of you know, I shared a lifetime of memories with Jeff.  I have many photos of us I’ll post elsewhere.  Like most of our faculty, Jeff visited China teaching workshops, later teaching webinars online.  Those who had the opportunity to attend his lectures and workshops in 2012 and 2013 were treated to the wit and insights of a brilliant man with a deep and understanding heart.  Jeff’s life remains a testament to his commitment to personal growth.  In addition, his work as a Humanistic Astrologer serves as an example of what modern astrology offers the world.  Jeff was the first astrologer to introduce Astro-drama to China.  He will always be one of Nodoor’s beloved teachers. 

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The subject matter covered in

Nodoor’s  2-year L1 – L5 program

Includes 3 electives for students wanting to become an ISAR CAP.  Most classes are taught online, with workshops offline. There are at least 2 Core Teachers, along with a Teaching Assistant who does bi-weekly online salons.  In addition, Nodoor provides a Course Consultant, live translation, and written translation of all materials. Students communicate with each other in private WeChat student groups.

For all of Nodoor’s courses, western teachers are supported by a team:

1) Teaching Assistant 

2) Course Consultant

3) Live Translator

4) Translation Editor

Written course material is translated by our translation team, with final editing by Chief Editor Tanya Tan.  All course demonstrations are “live” with students online  or sometimes at workshops.  

Previous graduates gather at Nodoor for a visit in 2015

Previous graduates gather at Nodoor for a visit in 2015


Level 1

Signs of the Zodiac: Aries - Virgo

Signs of the Zodiac: Libra - Pisces

Sun and Moon

Sun and Moon combinations

Mercury, Venus, and Mars

Level 2

Personal planet combinations

Jupiter and Saturn with examples

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

Twelve Houses

Houses planets and signs combined

Level 3

Houses planets and signs combined

Houses planets and signs combined

Lunar Nodes (Holistic approach)

Lunar Nodes with sample cases


Aspects + sign, planets & houses

Student Demonstration of aspects, 

signs, planets & houses. 

Waxing & waning aspects, examples

More on houses and house rulers

Student Demonstration - Summary 

Unaspected planets & Dispositors 

Prioritization and Organization

Demonstration - Summary

Aspect Patterns with sample cases

Student Demonstration of aspect patterns

Level 3 Workshop: 4-day Level 3 Intensive in Beijing


Level 4

Holistic approach to interpretation 

Demonstration of Holistic approach 

Astrology of Relationships/Synastry

Astrology and Synastry Examples

Demonstration of Synastry 

Astrology of Career introduction

Astrology of Career with examples

Astrology of Career demonstration

Children Career Development

Demonstration Relationships/Career

Level 4 Workshop 4-day

Level 5 

Transits – 6 classes

Transits demonstration

Cycles, Relocated Charts

Transits and Cycles demonstration 

Secondary Progressions 

Secondary Progressions Demonstration Solar Arc

Solar Arc Demonstration 

Timing in relationships 

Composite Charts

Demonstration of Timing & Composites

Career Cycles 

Career Cycles Demonstration 

Solar Returns and Lunar Returns

Solar & Lunar Return Demonstrations

Advanced Forecasting Skills – 5 classes

Advanced Forecasting 2 Demonstrations

ISAR Certification Program and Competency Exam Review

Brief History of Astrology, Different Branches of Astrology 

Glossary Terms for ISAR Competency Exam

Counseling Techniques and Issues 

Counselling Training – 2 Student Demonstrations

Preparing for the client

Level 5 Workshop 4-day review in Beijing – 3 more demonstrations

Nodoor School of Astrology - founded 2011

© Beijing Nodoor Consulting Co., Ltd. 2011 -2021

© Beijing Nodoor Consulting Co., Ltd. 2011 -2021

A-2006 Baiziwan Road, Bldg. 10, Beijing 100022

Nodoor History Timeline

  • June 12, 2010 – the name “Nodoor” was chosen

  • October 22, 2010 – decision following lectures in Beijing for a Nodoor School of Astrology, before first workshop on October 23, 2010

  • Jan 7, 2011 – Beijing Nodoor Consulting Co, Ltd business licensed, became parent company.

  • June 11, 2011 – website launched

  • December 19, 2013 – the Nodoor School of Astrology became an ISAR Affiliated School

The Nodoor School of Astrology is the largest astrology school in China, with an active student body of over 2000 students – managed by the largest astrology company in the world.  Nodoor sponsors experienced professional astrologers from the west and local Chinese professional astrologers as well.   Nodoor promotes the serious study of astrology for both individual personal growth and professional career development.

Our students come from all over China…


Our current active enrollment is 2000

  • Of these, over 400 students are enrolled in our core program

  • Students learn through webinars, lectures, workshops, online salons, and wechat student groups

  • Student and teacher support is strong, every teacher has a 4 person support staff

Felicia and I remain committed to setting standards in an emerging professional field in China…

Our students have inspired us from the beginning.  We are constantly shaping and re-shaping our educational process to fit their needs.  To be a professional astrologer in the modern world is both a fulfilling and challenging endeavor.  As Humanistic astrologers, they are reshaping the way the public perceives astrology.  We are person-centered and use astrology as a frame of reference that can awaken an individual to their potential for fulfillment.  Humanistic Astrology encourages and empowers people, and our graduates are demonstrating its effectiveness in both their personal and professional lives.  We feel honored to have this opportunity to serve our students and the greater community here in China.


David Railey Jiang Ying  蒋

David & Felicia receive their ISAR awards for international service at the ISAR Conference in Arizona in 2014

David & Felicia receive their ISAR awards for international service at the ISAR Conference in Arizona in 2014

There is no one more responsible for the success of Nodoor than Felicia Jiang (Jiang Ying). In addition to being CEO of Nodoor, Felicia is the Global Director for ISAR in China.  Early on Felicia recognized the importance of ISAR to Nodoor students, and she has worked hard to support Nodoor’s affiliation. Tireless and dedicated, I have no doubt that Felicia will continue to direct Nodoor’s success for many years to come.  Words cannot express my gratitude for the opportunity she provided me to be a part of this amazing endeavor.
