My Work
Teaching, lectures, workshops & presentations
Teaching, lectures, workshops & presentations
1978 Introductory Class, Foundation of Truth, Atlanta, GA
1979 AFA Convention Faculty, 'City of Atlanta Chart,' 'The Lunar Nodes'
1979 NASO Conference, "The Licensing Question,' Atl., GA
1980-83 Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Classes at The Daily Planets Astrology Center, Atlanta
1986 'Cosmogenesis' a 5 Act Play, (writer, director) MAAS Atlanta, GA
1987-88 Advanced Astrology Classes - MAAS Atlanta, GA
'The Moon' 'your emotional body' lecture, MAAS, Atl.
'Lunar Node Workshop' MAAS, Atl., GA
AFA Convention 'The Lunar Nodes' Orlando, FL
'Sex, Innuendo, & Astrological I Told You So's' MAAS
1991-92 'Be Your Own Astrologer' course, taught with co-instructor Jeff Jawer, Atlanta
1993 Lunar Node Workshop, MAAS, Atlanta, GA
1995 The Practice of Astrology, 2 day workshop, MAAS
Know Your Nodes lecture NCGR Los Angeles Chapter
Know Your Nodes lecture, NCGR SF Bay Area
Lunar Nodes 'keys to interpretation' NCGR SF Bay Area
Lunar Node lecture San Jose, California
Neptune & the Nature of Romantic Love - workshop, SF Bay Area, and MAAS, Atlanta, GA
Lunar Nodes 'keys to interpretation' South Bay Astrological Society, San Jose, CA
2001-07 Akashic School of Astrology - online mentoring professional course as part of
2004 Medical Astrology 'case histories' MAAS
2004-05 Advanced Interpretation Class, MAAS
2005 The Soul Purpose, Astrological Guild of Orlando, FL
2006 The Soul Purpose, Astrological Assoc. of St. Pete, FL
2010 - 2019 over 30 Lectures and or Workshops in China: Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Xi'an, Dalian, Hangzhou, Xiaoshan, Zhengzhou, Suzhou, Nanjing, and Guoluo. Topics ranged from Humanistic Astrology - Intro, Soul Purpose, Forecasting, Parenting, Relationships, Career, Corporate Astrology, and a 5 city Listening Tour in advance of a Supervision Program.
2012 UAC Conference in New Orleans - Astrology in China
2014 ISAR Conference in Arizona - The Lunar Nodes Keys to interpretation
2018 UAC Conference in Chicago - Corporate Astrology - A case in point
Community Participation
1976 Newsletter Editor for MAAS - Metro Atlanta Astrological Society
1977 - 1979 Treasurer for MAAS - Collaborated with Rene Goodale in the location, purchase, and rezoning of Harobi Drive property, along with design/construction of Harobi house for MAAS
1978 - 1982 Atlanta Board of Astrology Examiners - Chair (1980 - 1982)
1978 AFA Faculty - Atlanta Conference
1979 NASO Faculty - Atlanta Conference National Astrological Society
1982 - elected President of MAAS1
1989 - 1992 Astrology Today TV show - public access Channel 12
2002 - re-elected President of MAAS
2011 - 2017 China correspondent for ANS - Astrology News Service
2011 - 2016 AFAN Steering Committee - Association For Astrological Networking
2012 - Organized first contingent of Chinese astrology students to UAC - United Astrology Conference in New Orleans
2012 - Facilitated Astrology Channel TV - Ji Yun and camera crew, first on location TV coverage of UAC in China - over 20 interview
2012 - Media Liason for UAC - largest conference of astrologers in the western world
2012 - present: ISAR (International Society for Astrological Research) proctor for ISAR Exam in US 2012, 2018 and China 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2019
2016 - 2020 ISAR Board - Chair of ISAR Competency Exam Committee
2017 - 2020 ISAR VP
2018 UAC Chicago, IL - Moderator for ISAR Panel "Is Prediction Killing Astrology" (5)
2019 November - ISAR in China Conference in Beijing, Conference Director with Freya Li, first ever ISAR Astrology Conference in China, a 3-day conference attended by over 200 participants
2019 - 2020 Co-founder with of CAPISAR a 501c6 subsidiary of ISAR, CAPISAR President Jan - July 2020 (CAP - Certified Astrological Professional)
Astrological Credentials & awards
ISAR CAP, AFA Exam, City of Atlanta BOAE Professional Examination
2014 ISAR International Community Service Award
I am member of the following astrological organizations:
International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR)
Association For Astrological Networking Steering Committee Member - 2010 to Present (AFAN)